The Bristol Rainforest
Planting a rainforest one classroom at a time
St. Philips Marsh Nursery School's Very Own Rainforest
We created a rainforest inside one of the classrooms at St Philips Marsh Nursery school.
Planning stage:
Phase 1: The Rainforest Floor
The nursery had this large, light and airy classroom which they are allowing us to create the 'rainforest' in.
With the room cleared we laid out the 'rainforest floor'
Then came the planters.
Planters were positioned at the corners and the entrance to the rainforest area.
The 'rainforest' begins to take shape.
Phase 1 of the installation completed. In Phase 2 we will build the canopy, which will include a structure for climbers to grow up and across the different groups of plants. We will also install LED lighting to supplement the natural daylight to keep the plants healthy.
This is the reaction we had from the school after only one week!!
" Hi, Bristol Rainforest team,
The plants are looking beautiful. The children are loving the room. It has really changed the vibe, and it feels so peaceful in there. The dinner ladies have said that the lunch times are calmer in there and they love being in the room.
Often the children just choose to go and sit in the middle of them all. Some of the teachers are now doing small circle times in that area, and we are finding that it is just making group times easier and more relaxing for everyone.
So, a massive thank you!
Best wishes
Simon Holmes
St Philip’s Marsh Nursery School and Barton Hill Children’s Centre/Cashmore Early Years Centre "
Phase 2: The canopy
Starting point for Phase 2
Green posts were prepared and bolted to the walls.
Much easier to handle with lots of volunteers helping!
Then from the posts, come the arms that met in the middle.
All done, we stood under it just to prove that it all stood up and was safe.
The canopy, ready for lights and most importantly the forest climbing vines and lianas!
Rainforest Comes Together
Sitting under the jungle sun, now we wait for the plants to grow and take over the support structure. Particularly interesting will be the various jungle climbers that will climb up and cover the canopy supports.