The Bristol Rainforest
Planting a rainforest one classroom at a time

Friday 15th November
You are invited to

Children & Trees Growing Together
We are a group of volunteers on a mission to put rainforest trees in classrooms all over Bristol and beyond. As well as raising trees, we want to raise the ambition, self-esteem and confidence of all the children that learn under our trees in their classrooms.
We are working with school children, showing them how they can grow nutritious vegetables in their own school playgrounds.
In this way, we are helping to address the access to fresh vegetables and level up food disparities in or society.

Connect With Us
host a tree in your school

host a tree in your home
host a tree in your office

VOLUNTEERING we have many interesting activities you can contribute to
With enough rainforest trees in our homes, schools and workplaces, Bristol will have a rainforest of its own.